Save Money by Preserving Food and Laugh at the Zombie Apocalypse

What a year. The dumpster fire that is 2020 is almost over. Now is a good time to prepare to thrive in 2021. Build resilience and have a great year by focusing on two areas:

  • prepare your garden soil
  • purchase inexpensive foods now that are easy to store
  • learn how to preserve food and be ready to preserve your food when summer crops are plentiful
  • save money by preserving your own food
  • stay healthier by eating food that you preserved, especially when you can buy them from a local farmer

Spend a few minutes with me as I talk you through what you can do to have healthier food, better food security and save money.

Links from the podcast

Freeze Dryers


FoodSaver – make sure that which ever version you purchase is compatible with the Jar Sealer

Jar Sealer to go with Food Saver –

I have no relationship with these vendors, just a lot of respect for their products.